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Articles regarding the End Time Survivors (formerly Jesus Christians) led by Dave McKay

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"Not for Everyone

By Anonymous"

About publications by the End Time Survivors/ Jesus Christians

Roland, Sue and Dann were previously members of a Christian community called The Jesus Christians.  Roland and Sue joined the community in Australia when they were 18 years old, and were married in the community.  Their son, Daniel, was born while they were in the group.   The group changed it's name to End Time Survivors after Roland , Sue and Dann left the group. 


In 2010, after more than 25 years in the close community, while having an international gathering in Australia, the leader of the Jesus Christians, Dave McKay, asked Roland, Sue and Dann to leave the group.   There was no three stage grievance procedure as taught in the community as the usual means to resolve disagreements amongst members.


A few months after Roland, Sue and Dann left the community, Dave McKay decided the group should all "go underground".   Members changed their names and a fake computer generated form letter was sent out to any enquiries claiming the group had disbanded.  The Jesus Christians continue today as small groups with different names, still as a united community, at the same time they pretend that they are autonomous and no longer under the leadership of Dave McKay.  


Alan, who had joined the Jesus Christians in 2008, was also told to leave the community in early 2011, after he refused to take his wife to court to fight her for more money in a divorce.   


We have repeatedly tried to open up constructive dialogue with the entire community, and received no response from anyone apart from some accusatory emails from Dave in the very early days.   Dave has insisted that any communication with members only goes only through him at the same time he has refused to acknowledge he has done anything wrong, nor will he discuss the issues that have divided us.   He instead sweeps all our criticisms under the carpet claiming we are bitter ex members who are trying to take over the leadership of his group!   As a result of our failure to resolve the issues privately or collectively with the community, we have felt there was no choice other than to publicise our grievances with them.   If anything else, people can learn from the history of our mistakes and experiences. 



The following articles are fairly long, messy and detailed about our relationships and experience both past and present with the Jesus Christians/ End Time Survivors led by Dave Mckay, in the hope of expressing "our side of the story" to much of what has been said about us by the leadership to the rest of the community behind our backs.  


Forgiveness and reconciliation is very important, but without open and direct communication (as Jesus commanded we do in Matthew 18 to resolve conflicts) it is impossible to resolve disagreements.  


By Roland

Why we left the Jesus Christians led by Dave McKay

By Sue 

A Big Mistake

By AlanArticles relating to the JC's led by 

Kicked Out

By Alan

Going Underground

By Alan

Dave McKay's Attempted Censorship


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