Making it Real
We are freegans. Freeganism is a way of life. It's a philosophy of living and giving freely, using less resources and using them well, and not being motivated by profits. It's about sharing, building community and considering what is most sustainable and best for our environment. Freegans are most well known for "bin raiding", "dumpster diving" or "bin diving", which is taking and using food and other useful items from rubbish bins. But freeganism is a lifestyle that encompasses much more.
For more news reports involving ourselves, see the Making it Real media page here.
Specific stories relating to freeganism are "Wife Swap", "The Bin Banquet", "Freeganism London", "Britains Bins
have Rogan Josh" and "Freegans, the Bin Scavengers".
Tis the Season to Get Trampled
Published November 13, 2012
Running Time 0:59
By Adbusters
Adbusters on CNN for Buy Nothing Day
Published: November 7, 2012
Running Time: 5:16 mins
By Adbusters
Great interview with founder of Adbusters about the effect of over consumption by the United States on the rest of the world.
Freegans in Australia
Published: April 4, 2009
Running Time 5:31 mins
Australian News clip of Ash Falkingham's exposure of supermarket waste and the lies they tell to cover it up. Ash was a member of the Jesus Christians led by Dave Mckay, but left at the time he donated his kidney in 2008.
Buy Nothing Day Ad
Published October 29 2007
Running Time: 0:31
By Adbusters