Making it Real
Not for Everyone by Anonymous

"Not for Everyone" by Anonymous is the same book as Armageddon for Beginners by Dave Mckay (leader of the Jesus Christians). The Jesus Christians have changed their name both as an organisation and individually, but they are still distributing the same books with different front covers to attempt to hide their past and be less traceable online. The ISBN of both books is: 9966-755-14-4 The content of the books are virtually identical, with the exception of a few minor changes.

The blurb on the back is the same with the exception of a few alterations. The parts mentioning Dave McKay as the author have been deleted.
The Jesus Christians publicly claimed to "disband" in November 2010. This was and continues to be a lie. We worked with this group for thirty years previously and when we disagreed with their leader we were excommunicated.
The group continues as before but they have experimented with different names such as "Truthseekers" and "End Time Survivors" and they dishonestly claim that they are not an organisation but are independent individuals who have come together as an end time "movement". Their leader, Dave Mckay, calls himself "Brother Dave..." and has told all his members not to speak with us, despite our relationship with them spanning 30 years. This is not unlike many other religious groups that lack democracy and confidence but have a hierarchy that do not tolerate discussing and working with dissent or opposing viewpoints. The leaders enforce excommunication and expect submission (under the pretext of submitting to God) as a form of prohibiting members from hearing and acting on criticism against them. In this way members cannot engage as freethinking individuals in the issues regarding the disagreement, but rely on the decisions made by their leaders. We hope that one day these people who used to be very close to us will discover that they don't need to be institutionalised and follow such unconscionable policies that only divide and retard moral and character development and never seek to heal.
Transparency and open dialogue while respecting differences is the best way to advance humanity.
This corruption, secrecy and divide and rule policy is how those who cling to and crave power over others dominates, stifles and destroys.