Jesus Christians UK
by Roland. June 2013.
Despite setbacks since we were kicked out of the old community in 2010, Sue and I were working on having a positive relationship with the Jesus Christians led by Dave McKay.
When the idea from Dave and James (Alf) about disbanding and going underground and becoming secretive came up, we were involved in the initial discussion. We wrote letters responding to the issue. I questioned what people got from God to do something as dramatic and big as this. Nobody got anything significant and Dave even admitted he had no direction from God and that it was just his and Alf’s idea.
From: David McKay
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 8:02 AM
Subject: Joe's implosion comments
...“I should say that I am not aware of any direct revelation about this implosion thing so far (or if I am, I can't remember it at the moment). So it's more of an idea, that Alf and I counselled on, and had pretty good agreement on.”...
Read the full email from Dave
I wrote a letter to the community...
From: survivors_team3@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 12:04 PM
Subject: Implosion and freeganism issues from R/S/D
...”I think its good that people have shared that they haven’t got anything strong from God on the topic. I think its important to act on what God wants and not go with opinions on issues that are big. Big decisions require direction from God.”...
Read the full email from Roland
Alf sent the following email to the community...
From: Kenya team
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 7:08 PM
Subject: More implosion thoughts, from Alf
...“I had a listening time this evening and asked God when he wanted us to go underground". I got the word "Now" straight away. I also received the words "counter-productive". Initially, I thought God may be saying that our implosion may work against ourselves. However, when I prayed about it further I felt God was getting me to look at that phrase in a different way - namely, that by decreasing our production... it may lead to us being more fruitful, spiritually.”...
Read the full email from Alf
Alf asked God, ‘When we should we go underground’, and God said, ‘Now... Counterproductive’. On face value it was clearly saying that it was not a good idea at the time as it would be counterproductive, but Alf interpreted it to mean the opposite, that God was saying it was GOOD to be counterproductive, because that is what he and Dave wanted to do! It was the only direct revelation they got from God on the issue and it may well have been saying the complete opposite.
For a while we were willing to be open to the others being directed by God to go underground, as there was still a lot of inherent trust in the group and Dave’s opinion. This had been in place for many years. We wrote a letter unrealistically saying that we wouldn’t be hurt if they stopped communicating with us, but we had no idea how hurtful they would treat us. We thought strongly that God wanted us to be public and continue with our work.
In retrospect the lack of revelations from God to go underground that the other’s received was obvious enough that it was not God’s direction for the group to become secretive and exclude contact from those who did not do what they did. The division that has been caused by their decision between themselves and with Ross and ourselves is pretty bad fruit in itself. It seems to be just the opinions and Dave Mckay, and Alf (James Montagu) who pushed heavily for this “state of emergency” and everybody bowed down in submission, without each person getting clear direction from God. Anyone who offered any disagreement or concerns was quickly shut up with their concerns counter attacked by Dave and Alf. It was a dangerous precedent, as people would just go along with the leadership, making the same mistakes that many people have throughout the ages when they have put their faith in their leaders.
For me we must learn from history, which is why I was saying for a long time that it was important that people be inspired by the truth and the truth alone would hold them to account, not a reliance on one leader or a group of leaders to tell them what to do.