Jesus Christians UK
Email archive
From Rols and Sue Nov 02, 2010
From: survivors_team3@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 12:04 PM
To: Paul & Ulrike ; David McKay
Cc: Bob ; Alan Wright ; Baz and Ross ; Casey z ; Cherry ; Fran and Kim ; Paul & Ulrike ; Kenya Team ; Trevor Brown ; USTeam
Subject: Implosion and freeganism issues from R/S/D
Dear friends, Roland writing from Guildford. We have read all of the correspondence so far on the issues raised. First of all I think its good to discuss these issues, as it helps us to imagine what is coming and what the changes will need to be.
I think its good that people have shared that they haven’t got anything strong from God on the topic. I think its important to act on what God wants and not go with opinions on issues that are big. Big decisions require direction from God.
I have always thought that the main reason for freegan media was to shame and expose the system, so that sincere people could see the obscenity of the waste as capitalism thrives on waste and to start doubting the values of the system and questioning alternatives. A new generation of people are born every day and haven’t heard the message, so that faithfulness in sharing aspects of this message are important as we continue. I have always known that our actions alongside the actions of others would speed up the locking or inaccessibility of bins, every time one of us or somebody else goes on the media, or takes someone bin raiding, or even just talks about it. In the end the system is smart and will sidestep the issues, which they are already doing. The system are starting to say they are using the food waste and not wasting it, ie. like burning it to make energy, and it has been a response to the overwhelming publicity about food wastage, that hasn’t just come from ourselves. The systems “solutions” will always be marketed in a way that the general public won’t see the issues clearly and will have an excuse to forget about the problem, until someone exposes the hypocrisy, and so forth. Of course the issue of waste will not be addressed or changed and a lot of food that should’ve gone into the mouths of the poor will go into anaerobic digesters or landfill. Nothing is going to prevent that reality in the future and the waste is only going to get worse and more hidden. But do we allow it to go on more and more secretly, by becoming secret about us using this food ourselves, or do we use every opportunity to point out the truth of the waste and the terrible crimes being committed by greed, knowing full well that it is all going to end?
There was the argument that our possible future food supply will probably be hampered if we continue with freegan media. That in itself to me, is not a good argument to stop preaching the truth about food wastage. God will feed us no matter what if he wants us to live. If we are frightened of losing our resources if we make the truth known, God may take them away anyway to teach us an important lesson about trusting him and not the means of his supply. It was what we were trying to convey in the Nullarbor Walk. Our opinion is that the system has already known for some time that this is one of the avenues that we and other fringe dwellers obtain their food. And this cannot be undone and will not be forgotten. Years ago I prayed for media where I could share my Christian values with the freegan issues and we got involved in Wifeswap. Even if every freegan stopped doing freegan media, it will not stop the supermakets implementing stricter controls in the locking up of their bins and making them more inaccessible to the poor. Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people eat out of bins, and the supermarkets and others higher in the system know this. Other people besides ourselves continue to wave the banner about food wastage in all management of food in the West. I think the policy of locking up bins is pretty much standard policy in most if not all supermarkets. Its just that a number of employees are too lazy to lock up the bins properly and don’t really care. They lose the keys or have sympathy towards the poor, as one manager had in Peckham, before he moved on. So, my speculation is that all supermarket bins will be locked in the future especially during the trib, and it will be the exception that may provide sustenance for us. The supermarkets already know about the tricks freegans use to get into bins, and if they really wanted to stop people getting into bins, they will stop us. We believe we cannot turn back the clocks of time, and we will feel the full impact of the Antichrist during the trib no matter what is said about bin raiding now to the media. We cannot see how us being quiet with the media now will make an ounce of difference to the long term when the system ends its age of tolerance.
I agree that closing down the forum and newsletter are good moves in terms of security in other more personal areas to help protect us from the enemies that are like annoying flies at the moment, but are not the Antichrist. These enemies will not be fed with precise information and will become more angry as we don’t argue with them and disclose any new members or people who are interested in following Jesus. They will know less about which countries we are in, except if they bump into us on the streets or see us doing any other public demonstrations. Of course through other means, the beast complex can know if or when it is properly activated and wants to know where we are. It will be so easy to find us until we get really serious about disappearing, which we believe is not necessary until the final three and a half years. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14-16 “And the gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. WHEN therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the Holy place, (whosoever readeth, let him understand,) THEN let them that be in Judea, flee into the mountains.”
Back in 2005, I had some very strong revelations and dreams from God that pointed to me using books and media to get the message out right up until the end. It was powerful stuff that helped me not be depressed after being kicked out of the community. It was inspiring. So, perhaps for some it may be right to disappear and learn the various skills involved in being invisible, but for others their job may be to stand up be shouting from the rooftops and then slaughtered when their time comes. Maybe some of us who do the latter will be the first to be rounded up, tortured and killed. In particular those of us who have been in the media and who are known or have been known as JCs. So, in my opinion new members should not have their names publicised at all so that they may carry on the work more anonymously than those of us who are in the limelight.
I look at history and I remember a time when Stalin in 20’s Russia allowed a period of free expression for the intellectuals and radicals. The secret police took notes and then rounded them up at the appointed time and had them re-educated, liquidated or sent to concentration camps. Sue here. I noticed yesterday that the banks are now forcing people to either use the debit cards (and carry them whenever making transactions) or officially cancel them, which is what I did yesterday when I withdrew £1000. They pretend people still have a free “choice” but they are marking those who are choosing not to follow hook line and sinker by forcing them to either officially cancel or jump on the bandwagon. Back to Rols.
I think that its a luxury to have the JCs as a visible organisation and to have the time to be able to discuss issues at length. However I don’t know if that is a practical reality as we move towards the final indignation. I see autonomy as a constructive move to combat the system being able to fight us. Its a movement of people who obey and are led by God, as organisations and leadership are easily destroyed and targeted. But how can you destroy an idea or cochroaches as somebody said in a study? This direction of autonomy represents a big risk spiritually in some respects, as some people will veer off the mark spiritually and lose the plot more easily than if in a big group setting. But we all know the only way we can survive is to hear from God and obey personally. At the moment we have a large number of mental cases, ie. Brian Birmingham and others, who have a personal vandetta against us. Pitted against what the state can do in the future their efforts are puny in comparison.
I think that we need to get used to the growing facts that people hate us for what we are and that will never change.
Regarding squatting as one of the ways that God can provide. I think it can be in the short term. Pressure in the government is mounting to change present squatting laws to make it illegal to do so, and just like bin raiding, it won’t be around like it is now forever. I do not think that squatting will be something that we can expect when the trib starts. We will have to be sensitive to where the wind blows us, as God will have places for us, if he wants to protect us. Even squatting requires interaction with the system, as you will get a lot of knocks on the door from officials asking questions, and you have to be wise as to how to answer them. You are also expected to pay council taxes and electricity, water and other bills, if you are connected to those services. In a lot of ways you are more a sitting duck and more noticeable then living in a van in this present time. When the infrastructure gets damaged heavily by biblical disasters that are prophesised, its conceivable we may be able to use damaged buildings for refuge temporarily.
Sue here. I also think that one added point of security could be for various teams or bases or perhaps even individuals within teams to keep some information secret, so that in the event of persecution or the risk of loose lips (which we are notorious for!), information can be kept quiet for those who rely on it for security reasons. Ie, whereabouts of safe locations to hide, even specific places to get food, friendly contacts who help us, people’s locations we want to keep secret etc. I think if anyone is going to do freegan media, it should be thought through very carefully about what bins you take the media too, and what the effect of exposure of those specific bins will have on the attitude of the management towards more security on those particular bins. But that also can apply to bin raiding in general without the media now. More and more we are seeing places get strict because they are being made more aware of bin raiding just by us doing it now. The public can dob you in, or the staff can simply just find out that someone is taking the food, and blab to their management etc. Trying to save food for the future by trying to keep bin raiding secret so that the food continues to be thrown out and accessible like it is now, is simply not going to work, in my opinion. And while we have the chance to make more people aware the better. We can try and be as careful and wise as possible, but the writing is on the wall that the bins are going to dry up before the trib starts, unless God does miracles in certain circumstances.
Overall I feel the need for a continued emphasis in my own life on getting out the message of Jesus Christ publically, through whatever means might become available. I don’t think that our message to the media when bin raiding with them is about getting free food, but rather to expose the connection between greed and wealth and waste and starvation in the developing world, where the food comes from that is being thrown away. Also that the rich are destroying food rather than sharing it with the poor. I don’t agree with Reinhard that people can just walk through a town and be aware of all of that just by looking around. The system does its best to hide the waste, and I believe it is our job as Christians to hold up the candle to exposing that crime and to connect the dots for people about why it is happening and what it is doing to the poor and the world’s environment as a result.
Rols here, I was inspired by the words of King Theoden in ‘Lord of the Rings’, ‘We will not win this fight, we will die! But, let them come! For we will give them a fight that they will remember'!
Peace and Cheers, Roland and Sue.