Jesus Christians UK
Action Speak Louder than Words page 7.
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15. Franz Jägerstätter
As an Austrian peasant in 1938, he was the only person in his village to vote against the Nazis proposal to annex Austria. He joined the third order of St Francis (see no. 1) and was openly anti-Nazi. After being imprisoned for four months he was executed by the guillotine for being a conscientious objector to fighting for the Nazis, leaving behind a wife and three young daughters.

16. Wanglixuan.
The peaceful Falun Gong movement in China has been severely persecuted after swelling to 70 million people and being banned by the outnumbered Chinese Communist party in 1999. Two thirds of all torture victims and more than half of those in “re-education labour camps” in China are Falun Gong. In 2000, this 27 year old woman and her eight month old son were both cruelly tortured to death in a forced labour camp in Beijing because the mother would not renounce her beliefs.
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