Jesus Christians UK
Kicked Out
By Alan June 2013
In February 2011, not long after the Jesus Christians led by Dave Mckay went underground, my wife and I were going through a divorce. With the services of our join solicitors we were negotiating the final settlement of our jointly owned assets, which only involved half a share in a housing association house.
My wife was not going to move out and sell up and her solicitor had told her that she could win 100% in a settlement court case over her claim. This was because I had moved out of the house two years earler and abandoned her to join the Jesus Christians. My solicitor told me I could win 100% of the claim, so I could see a long drawn out court battle and that legal beavers coming out the only real winners.
I wrote a letter to the entire Jesus Chrisitans led by Dave Mckay community giving my reasons for my reluctance to proceed along the lines Dave and other leaders were insisting on me taking, and that was to fight for a good share of the assets, instead of accepting the money my wife was offering me to settle out of court. It was the same day or the next day that the decision came back from Dave Mckay that if I wasn't going to comply and fight for more money that the local leaders should "Tell him to run back to his wife" and to kick me out. My local team were all in agreement with what Dave had said in his email, or if they weren't, they kept silent. So I had no choice but to comply with Dave or get out, as was the order of the day. So I left.
A little while after I was kicked out of the community I was given a vehicle to live in and some credit on some DVD's to distribute. I was sleeping on my sister's lounge room floor at the time. I have since returned the vehicle as I found it difficult to maintain when I found another place to live.
Nearly two months ago (May 2013) I wrote to the JCDM community asking if they are still of the same mind over what happened at the time I was kicked out.
I have not received a reply as yet. Alf did, by accident I presume, send copies of the discussion they had as a group over what to say in reply to my letter.
Dave has referred to me as "gutless Alan" and from what was said about me in the discussion that Alf accidently forwarded to me, the JCDM consider me to have not forsaken all, and that I was comitting the sin of loving money, which is why they felt right to kick me out.
You can read my email here:
and their emails here: