Jesus Christians UK
Email archive.
31 May 2013 Alan to community
----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Wright
To: Dave ; Cherry ; Ronnie ; Jude ; Ben ; JDK ; Sven ; Truth Believers ; Bruce and Tina ; Felipe Y Lisa ; John ; FLR
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 6:36 AM
Subject: to you all from alan
Hi Dave and all, Alan here.
It's been quite some time since I was last in contact and even longer since I was in communication with any of the other JC's whom I have included in on the email.
The reason for this contact now is to resolve what happen to me back in Feb 2011. when I was told in no uncertain terms to leave.
" Tell him to run back to his wife" a phrase used by Dave at the time or at least that was the spirit of what was said.
The whole issue was if any of you have forgotten was over how much MONEY I should be willing to accept in settlement from my then wife, in the divorce. The money would have come from the sale of the house, jointly
owned by my wife and myself, in which she [ my wife] and my daughter were then living.
My conscience was my final guide and that is what I followed. It should not make any difference what orders, what advice, however well meaning they may be, it's our conscience that should have the last word.
I was under the impression that the principal of following our conscience over such isues was one that was
encouraged in the community. I put the principal into practise and found that the two did not line up in reality.
Another principal which we held to be true was the grievance system for resolving matters of dispute, clearly laid out for us to follow.
This too was ignored at the time and never really got off the ground, if it ever started. I am as guilty myself for not at least asking for a grievance at the time, as anyone.
The order came from above so to speak, from Dave, everyone else involved agreed. If there was any doubt anywhere at the time,not even a small, faint voice was heard in disagreement to what was happening to me.
Dave either made the dicision alone or with the blessing of others, I am not sure which but it was or to what degree others were involved.
It was clear from where I stood that you where ALL happy with what was happening and thought I was being treated fairly. I can only assume that you all feel the same way now and unless I hear anything from anyone to the contrary, I will continue in that belief.
I would just like to say that I am happy that I made that choice of conscience and have no regrets over it.
I would not want to be following orders blindly from any man or organisation against my conscience, hence I now feel the liberty of that freedom to serve God away from such restriction.
Yours in hopeful anticipation. Alan.
Read Alf's letter he wrote to the entire community after a discussion the UK JCDM team had in response to Alan's email here: