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Site last updated 18:30, July 28, 2021.​

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This website is a compilation of our own publications and articles as well as other resources we have found inspiring, accurate and informative.


NEWS:  Our latest magazine Making it Real part 10 is available online here or in print (please request us to post you one).









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Home page film:
Deep Adaptation to the Climate Collapse

The Professor of Sustainability Leadership from Cumbria university, Jem Bendell, is author of Deep Adaptation, which summarizes climate science and trends to suggest that humanity faces inevitable societal collapse, probably within 10 years. Please watch the video all the way through as the mental, emotional and psychological support comes after the 'bad news' is presented and discussed.  Jem invites the audience to explore forms of action additional to cutting and drawing down carbon from the atmosphere - actions associated with personal and collective preparedness for coming disruption. Accompanying him was Toni Spencer, a facilitator who works on Deep Adaptation and Transition.


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