Jesus Christians UK
Some Commands of Jesus
For those people who claim to be followers of Christ, these teachings of Jesus should form the foundation of their lives. But unfortunately most people who claim to be followers of Jesus (Christians) wouldn't be able to tell you more than half a dozen of these teachings.
1. Have faith in God (Mk 11:22)
2. Only worship & work for God (Mt 4:10)
3. Do not tempt God (Mt 4:7)
4. Give to God what is God's and give to Caesar what's left! (Mt 22:21)
5. Believe you receive when praying (Mk 11:24)
6. When praying, say 'Our Father....' (Lk 11:2)
7. Rejoice, not in having power over demons but that your name is in heaven. (Lk 10:20)
8. Obey commands to love God and neighbour and you will live (Lk 10:27-8/Mt 19:17/Mt 22:37-9)
9. After obeying Jesus commands, say 'we have only done our duty' (Lk 17:10)
10. Walk in the light (Jn 12:35-36)
11. Shine your light (Mt 5:16)
12. Go the extra mile (Mt 5:41)
13. Follow the Golden Rule (Lk 6:31/Mt 7:12)
14. Love one another (Jn 13:34/Jn 15:17)
15. Love/bless/pray for enemies (Mt 5:44/Lk 6:35)
16. Be Merciful (Lk 6:36)
17. Forgive others (Mk 11:25-6/Mt 6:12/Lk 6:37)
18. Forgive when praying (Mk 11:25)
19. Forgive 70x7 (Mt 18:21-2/Lk 17:4)
20. Let not your heart be troubled (Jn 14:1& 27)
21. Despise not little ones (Mt 18:10)
22. Forbid not children to come (Mt 19:14)
23. Feed my lambs and sheep (Jn 21:15-17)
24. Do as the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:37)
25. Don't separate or get divorced (Mt 19:6)
26. Continue in Jesus' love (Jn 15:9)
27. Follow me (Jn 21:22/Mt 4:19/Lk 5:27)
28. Abide in Jesus (Jn 15:4)
29. Remember Jesus' words (Jn 15:20)
30. Come and dine (Jn 21:12)
31. Come to Jesus if thirsty (Jn 7:37)
32. Do this to remember me (Lk 22:19)
33. Keep Christ's commands if you love him (Jn 14:15,21& 23/II Jn:6)
34. Think not that I am come to destroy law and prophets (Mt 5:17)
35. Do not think I bring peace to all (Mt 10:24)
36. Watch and be ready for 2nd coming (Lk 12:35-40/21:36/Mt 24:42-4/25:13/Mk 13:33)
37. Be happy Jesus overcame world (Jn 16:33)
38. Be careful the teaching (light) you follow is not a lie (darkness) (Lk 11:35)
39. Beware of teaching of religious and political authorities (Mk 8:15/Mt 16:6)
40. Beware of false prophets (Mt 7:15)
41. Don't follow false prophets (Lk 17:23/Lk 21:8/Mt 24:4-5&23-6)
42. Beware of hypocrisy (Lk 12:1)
43. Don't be called or call anyone father, teacher, master etc. (Mt 23:8-10)
44. Beware of authorities in special robes who love positions of importance (Lk 20:46-7)
45. Don't give charity in public, but in secret (Mt 6:1-4)
46. Don't pray in public, but in secret (Mt 6:5-6)
47. Don't use repetitions in prayer (Mt 6:7-8)
48. Don't fast publicly, but in secret (Mt 6:5-6)
49. Don't look sad when fasting (Mt 6:16:17)
50. Don't advertise healings (Mt 9:30/Mt 12:16)
51. Don't make my father's house a house of merchandise (Jn 2:16)
52. Resist not evil and turn the other cheek (Mt 5:39)
53. Don't be afraid of people (Lk 12: 4-5)
54. Fear not those who kill body (Mt 10:28-31/Lk 12:4-7)
55. Agree with adversaries (Mt 5:25/Lk 12:58)
56. Don't worry what you will say in court (Mt 10:19/Lk 12:11-12/Lk 21:14-15/Mk 13:11)
57. Let those who sue take your good and extra (Mt 5:40)
58. Give to those who ask or borrow or steal from you ( Mt 5:42/Lk 6:30)
59. Move to another city if persecuted (Mt 10:23)
60. Pray your escape is not at a difficult time (Mt 24:20)
61. Be not afraid of wars (Lk 21:9/Mk 13:7)
62. Don't go back for stuff in the Tribulation (Lk 17:31-2/Mk 13:14-16)
63. Rejoice when persecuted (Lk 6:23/ Mt 5:11)
64. Judge, so that you will not be judged (Lk 6:37)
65. Cast out the beam in your own eye first (Mt 7:5)
66. If hand or eye offend, cut it off (Mt 5:29/Mt 18:8-9)
67. Repent or you shall perish (Lk 13:3,5)
68. Cleanse the inside first (Mt 23:26)
69. Search the Scriptures (Jn 5:39)
70. Watch yourself, lest you become lazy (Lk 21:34)
71. Watch and pray against temptation (Mt 26:41)
72. Be not faithless (Jn 20:27)
73. Be mature and perfect (Mt 5:48)
74. The greatest must be servant (Lk 22:26/Mk 10:43-4)
75. Come to me who are heavy laden (Mt 11:28)
76. Follow me and Let the dead bury the dead (Mt 8:22)
77. You must be born again (Jn 3:3/Lk 18:17/Mk 10:15)
78. Sell all that you own (Mt 19:21/Lk 12:33)
79. Forsake All (Lk 14:33)
80. Don't delay in starting your mission, do it now (Jn 4:35/9:4/12:35)
81. Deny self and take up your cross (Mk 8:34/Mk 10:21/Lk 14:27)
82. Don't worry about tomorrow (Mt 6:34)
83. Work first for God's Kingdom and what is right (Mt 6:33/Lk 12:31)
84. Don't worry about food and clothes (Mt 6:25-31/Lk 12:22-9)
85. Don't store up possessions (Mt 6:19-20)
86. Go preach to whole world and teach them to obey Jesus' commands (Mt 28:19/Mk 16:15)
87. Take nothing for journey (Lk 9:3/10:4)
88. Don't work for food (Jn 6:27)
89. Don't charge for what you do (Mt 10:8)
90. Ask, Seek, Knock (Mt 7:7/Jn 16:24)
91. Eat whatever people give you (Lk 10:7)
92. Take the lowest seat (Lk 14:8-10)
93. Don't invite your friends but invite the poor to eat with you (Lk 14:12-13)
94. Give to the poor (Lk 11:41)
95. Give and it shall be given (Lk 6:38)
96. Pray for labourers (Mt 9:38/Lk 10:2)
97. Hate relatives and own life for the sake of the gospel (Lk 14:26)
98. Enter by the narrow door (Mt 7:13/Lk 13:24)
99. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Mt 10:16)
100. Don't give truth to dogs and pigs (Mt 7:6)
101. What you hear in secret shout from the rooftops (Mt 10:27)
102. Hear if you have ears (Mk 4:23-5)
103. Murmur not (Jn 6:43)
104. Don't be angry, or say 'you fool' to a brother (Mt 5:22)
105. Have salt in yourselves, peace with each other (Mk 9:50)
106. Use 3-stage Grievance System (Mt 18:15-17)
107. When you must judge, do it fairly (Jn 7:24)
108. Rebuke a brother or sister who sins, forgive a brother or sister who repents (Lk 17:3/Mt 18:15-17)
109. Reconcile with brother or sister before offering gift (Mt 5:24)
110. Don't make promises (Mt 5:34-7)
111. Don't forbid others to preach Christ (Lk 9:50)