Jesus Christians UK
Actions Speak Louder than Words page 1
Some of our favourite heros.
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was the son of a wealthy merchant who abandoned his entire inheritance to become a pauper, devoted to relieving all the misery he saw around him. In the 13th century he started a community where people worked for love and lived together, sharing everything. He was one of very few people to have tried to consistently and genuinely follow the gospel teachings of poverty and selflessness, even to their extremes.
1. Francis of Assissi
"All the darkness in the world can't extinguish the light from a single candle."
“For it is in giving that we receive.”
“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.”
”I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.”
"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
by Franco Zefferelli about the life of Francis.
After reading revelations about the war in Afghanistan from WikiLeaks (see no.17) the 25 year old navy medic did not want to take up arms to kill. His view strengthened after revelations about high losses of civilians in the war and he was instructed to save military lives as priority over civilians. His chief was scared he would spread this message of peace and love to other people and called him a “cancer”. Michael was sentenced to seven months prison in Colchester. He is now an active member of Veterans for Peace in the UK.
2. Michael Lyons

Sailor who refused to learn how to fire a gun because of 'immoral' Afghan war jailed for seven months
Click on image to link to report.

3. Oscar Romero
film about the man whose eyes were opened and started a revolution without guns, without an army, without fear.
0.5 per cent of El Salvador’s population owned 90% of the country’s wealth. As Arch Bishop, he began his outspoken protest with acts of non violence against the cruel dictatorship, illegally instructing his priests to offer sanctuary to those the government persecuted. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1980 he was shot while conducting mass. 250,000 thronged for his funeral. In the next two years 35,000 Salvadorans perished in the dictatorship (see no.22). See the film “Romero”. .
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