Jesus Christians UK
Email archive
15.11.10 "computer"
From: Paul and Ulrike
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 1:48 PM
To: This Computer
The following is a computer-generated response.
The Jesus Christians have officially disbanded. This letter is probably not really for you. However, their website is still available, where you can read all that you need to know about them and their beliefs. Please read it and pray about what God wants you to do.
These are dangerous times, and only those who are ready to "count the cost" and pay the price are going to survive spiritually. Lukewarmness is not enough. If you have a Bible, please read what Jesus said to the multitudes who came to him in Luke 14: 25-35.
A forum has been created for people who write to this address, so that if you wish to make contact with others who have been influenced by the teachings of Jesus, you can do so, at least temporarily, here:
If you are the one in a million who is ready to "forsake all" for God, then pray that he leads you to others who are similarly committed.
But don't let anything stop you from practicing the teachings of Jesus right now. Jesus said that anyone who hears his teachings and does not obey them is like a foolish person building their house on the sand. He said the way that leads to life is narrow and very few will find it. Pray that you may be one of those few.